In a Pickle?

Find a Pro

Helping professionals and small businesses connect with their audience in less time, at less cost using AI powered content.

In a Pickle?

Find a Pro

Helping professionals and small businesses connect with their audience in less time, at less cost using AI powered content.
Create meaningful connections with individuals based on their personality, thoughts, and experiences. Through the seamless integration of AI search, this experience transforms into an organic and enjoyable journey. Connect with people authentically, bypassing the need to view their profiles, websites, or CVs before establishing a connection.
Immerse yourself in interactions with newfound connections through Picl Chat. Leverage your content and training inputs to mold your personalized Chatbot, infusing it with your unique traits. Seamlessly integrate it into your social media or websites, projecting your authentic self across your entire digital landscape.
Current Features
  • Professional profile.
  • Create informative audio or video posts quickly with the help of generative AI.
  • Train your profile to make better connections.
  • Use semantic (AI) search to find the content and people most relevant to you.
Upcoming Features
  • Picl Chat
  • Profile integrated chatbot
  • Company pages
  • Business management portal
  • E-commerce
  • In app consultations
A New Way to Connect With Your Market
Chris Mills
Founder, Picl
We're Picl, a platform for business and professional communication. We combine search, advertising, and content creation to give businesses, professionals, and clients a space that's not just functional but also organic and personal.

With Picl, you can whip up short, informative video and audio posts in a flash.

Gone are the days of endless scrolling—our Semantic/AI search connects you with the most relevant content and like-minded professionals in the blink of an eye.

We are tired of the same old website-blog-email marketing routine that's been badgering us, and probably you, for the past two decades. Picl is here to shake things up and bring a breath of fresh air to your online presence.